Christina Akker Senior Tax Advisor

Personal quote / vision

Advising on the interface of payroll taxes, social security and labor law: that makes Flexwerk anything but boring. Thinking along with the client as a tax consultant, and converting specialist knowledge into opportunities. Where necessary, in collaboration with other specialists inside and outside Mazars. That delivers added value. And our clients in the flex work sector appreciate that. Also prefer an advisor to an auditor? Then get in touch with me.

Specialist experience

As a specialist within the Mazars Flexwerk sector group, I advise employment agencies on flexwork-related issues. I have extensive experience in supervising audits by the Tax and Customs Administration and the SNCU, among others. I am also chairman of the national Mazars Flexwork Think Tank, in which we convert knowledge into (financial and tax) opportunities for temporary employment agencies. I am also an expert in the field of pension advice to director-large shareholders.

Specific client experience

Extensive work experience in the field of fiscal advice in a broad sense on behalf of clients in large, medium-sized and small businesses in various sectors.